Guardianship Orders

Legal services for adults with incapacity and guardianship orders

Autism, Downs Syndrome, Learning Disabilities & the Law

When a child with a learning disability reaches the age of 16 they are classed as an adult and as such parental rights are extinguished. It is therefore necessary for parents to make a guardianship application, in order to have legal authority to make welfare decisions on behalf of their child. 

Dementia & the Law

We specialise in advising families looking after a relative with dementia in connection with Powers of Attorney and Guardianship applications, in order to ensure that where a person has a dementia diagnosis then a family member has legal rights to make welfare decisions on their behalf.


When someone is unable to make important decisions for themselves because of temporary or long term health issues, such as dementia, autism or a learning disability. A Guardianship Order is a court appointment which authorises a authorising someone to take action or make decisions on behalf of an individual who lacks capacity.