Care Arrangements for Children upon Separation

Care Arrangements for Children upon Separation – Residence, Contact & Shared Care

There are few issues that are more worrying and fraught than the care arrangements for children of a relationship that has broken down.

We understand this can be a very difficult and stressful time. However, it can also become an extremely positive time where parties work together to come to a resolution that suits all members of the family including the children themselves.

There are a number of child law issues which may require to be resolved when parties are separating  such as:

  • where the children of your relationship will reside;
  • who they will have contact with; and
  • how often they will see each parent and/or other family members.


There may also be consideration given as to where the children will live for example in which part of the country or whether there requires to be relocation and agreement surrounding this. There may be other disputes to resolve such as which school your child attends or whether one parent should spend time with your child at all. There may be safety concerns and we can discuss the possibility of interdict being put in place if that is appropriate.

Most disputes in respect of child law matters can be resolved out with the court setting. This can be done in a variety of ways including via negotiation or the collaborative process. We aim to assist clients to reach an agreement that is mutually agreeable for all parties and have that put into writing so that everyone is clear as to where they stand.

In the event that parties cannot agree there are many options available to try to resolve matters including mediation, arbitration or raising court proceedings. We appreciate that there will be times where agreement cannot be reached and we are just as content raising court proceedings and litigating to resolve matters as we are resolving them out with the court setting.

Our focus during this process is to ensure that your children’s best interests are met and to reach an outcome that is mutually agreeable in the circumstances. 

Please call us for further advice on 01383 431 101 or email

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